Financial motivation of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities for Earth and Climate protection

2 min readNov 29, 2023


The contribution of indigenous peoples and local communities (IPLCs) to preserving the environment and adapting to climate change is fundamental. Yet these communities, despite their crucial role in conserving over 40% of natural ecosystems, have access to only a tiny percentage of voluntary carbon market funds. This highlights the imperative need to recognize and strengthen their financial motivation.

Insignificant financial benefits for IPLCs
IPLCs receive only marginal financial benefit despite their major role in ecosystem preservation. This lack of financial support underlines the urgent need to offer them incentives to preserve their role as guardians of nature.

Financial incentives for IPLCs
Offering financial incentives to IPLCs is crucial to preserving ecosystems, particularly forests. This can include access to credit, payments for environmental services and cooperative business models that promote economic opportunities while preserving natural resources.

Financial incentive strategies
1. Payments for environmental services: Direct financial support for local initiatives such as sustainable agriculture to protect nature and the climate.
2. Carbon offsetting: Expansion of carbon offset programs to include IPLCs and introduction of additional incentives for local communities.
3. Investment in sustainable development: Increased investment in sustainable development projects benefiting IPLCs : healthcare, education and infrastructure.

Impact on the Earth and climate
Reinforcing the financial motivation of IPLCs can make a significant contribution to preserving the planet. By supporting them economically, we encourage the development of sustainable technologies.

Fair distribution of benefits
Representation and fair distribution of benefits are essential to recognize the rights of IPLCs and ensure their participation in decision-making.

A call to action
We call on decision-makers and companies to immediately support the financial motivation of IPLCs. Join the IPLC Forum on December 1, 2023 to support their struggle. Contact us at

Financial motivation is vital to promote sustainable economic and technological development. By recognizing and improving financial incentives for IPLCs, we are building a harmonious future between humans and the environment, ensuring a sustainable future for generations to come.




Written by K3C-EARTH

K3C-EARTH is a fintech startup that fights against climate change with blockchain on the carbon market, through a sustainable green economy preserving nature.

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